About us The organizers of Lambda World are made up of lovers of functional programming. A heterogeneous group who see this paradigm as the future of software development.
Maureen Elsberry
Director of Marketing at 47 Degrees
Jorge Galindo
Co-founder at 47 Degrees
Benjy Montoya
VP Communications at 47 Degrees Program committee
Juan Manuel Serrano
Founding Partner in Habla Computing & Scala linker
Nando Sola
SRE at GrapheneDB & Scala Linker
David Gomez
Developer Advocate at Liferay & JAVA Linker
Carlos Sierra
Core software engineer at Liferay & Scala Linker
Estela Pinto
software developer @Company_Watch, scala enthusiastic, all around functional programming
Zainab Ali
Scala Developer
Alejandro Serrano
PhD candidate Local advocates committee
Emilio Trigueros
Local committee coordinator